Monday, April 20, 2009

Doing stuff

Sometimes I get really worried that as much as I talk about wanting to do a bunch of cool stuff, when it comes down to it I just sit around and do nothing instead. Wellll let me tell ya, not this weekend. Friday I saw Adventureland, played frisbee, and played four square. Saturday I rocked out on Kirkwood by day and got a little partying done by night. And to top it all off, it was all with some of my closest friends. I guess none of that seems really unbelievably exciting typing it all here, but I really enjoyed it and had a great weekend. Perhaps this is just to say (I think that's the first time I've actually said that on this blog) that we don't always have to do something huge and crazy to be happy (although I'm by no means saying we never do), and I think I could benefit from looking at and focusing on some of the smaller things in life sometimes than the colossal ones. Because the truth is that when the small parts of your day are good, it's a lot easier for your entire day to be good, and vise versa. And sometimes you just have to walk outside and feel the sunlight and believe that everything is going to be alright, and know that life really is full of beauty, even if it does get hidden behind the clouds sometimes.