Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There are just days, or nights, or combinations of the two, that I feel like everything I say or do is wrong somehow. I forget things, I say the wrong things, I don't do the things that I'm supposed to do. I can assure you that it's not for lack of trying, which makes it even more frustrating when I find myself feeling like this. Once I start going down the path of screwdom, it seems that there is very little I can do to turn it around.
I know a lot of this can be attributed to what I call my "absentmindedness", which is probably a nice way of putting it. It just seems like there's always so much rushing around in my brain that it's hard to slow it down enough to take care of the little stuff. Yes, I am notorious for forgetting and losing things. And sometimes, if we're being honest, I just don't know what's going on. Sometimes this can lead to situations that are sorta funny (preferable), or situations that actually just really suck. Regardless though, I always feel embarrassed when things like this happen to me, even if I don't appear to be so. This is mainly because I feel like when other people bear witness to all my mishaps, it appears that I can't take care of my own life. Like I need someone to tell me what to do all the time and hold my hand. And I really just don't like appearing helpless, or just plain stupid for that matter.
My brain's always been pretty cluttered, but not as badly as it is now. I hope that it will return to its former state of glory one day, but in the meantime all I can do is try and hope to do better.

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