Monday, December 28, 2009


My life is honestly just getting a little ridiculous.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


When I was younger, like early high schoolish, I used to love scouring the internet and talking to people to find new music to listen to. In the years past, I've still always been pretty into music and everything, but not quite with the same intensity. I'm happy to say that the intensity has sorta returned, at least I've been listening to and actively seeking a lot more new music than normal. I go to music blogs and talk to my friends who are treasure troves of information about music, and I'm loving it. I don't know why, because I'm not really musically inclined at all, but music has always just been a pretty big part of my life. I love that there is a song for any emotion you may be feeling, or any that you want to feel, and I love finding new songs and artists and new feelings in them.

I was going to put some videos or links up here, but Blogger is sort of giving me fits right now, so I'll get to that later. Good night.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Wow, it was only a few short days ago that I said I'd post on here everyday - and I've already failed. With an apology to my faithful readers, I'll concede that perhaps it wasn't the best idea to make such a commitment directly before the weekend.

As to why I haven't been writing on here really at all the past few months, I'm not really certain. I feel unsure about pretty much everything right now, and not necessarily in a bad way (although a little resolution soon would be nice). It's just that everything seems to be up in the air right now. After 22 years of life I feel like I should have a better idea of what I want to do with the rest of them, but in reality I don't. I've always felt like I was bound for some kind of greatness. Maybe not to be super rich or famous. But to do something really awesome, something that would help people, or make the world a slightly better place, or be noteworthy in some other way. I fear that I'm just holding out for that opportunity to walk up to me and introduce itself when in reality, that's not how it really works. I need to be a bit more proactive about my life and my future, and hopefully the greatness will come.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Although it's late and I'm rather tired, I feel obligated to make good on my promise to write here every day. But in the interest of my getting at least a little sleep tonight, it will be a short one.

I suppose the thing, and the reason that I'm still up, is that I don't really want to go to sleep. I'm not scared, and I don't really have anything else to work on tonight. Its just that I'm not tired. I go through most days absolutely exhausted and start really wake up around midnight. How's that for a messed up sleeping schedule?

I'm not sure why this is, but however inconveniently it may fit into the schedule of the real world I have to admit that I kind of like it. I've just always felt like I belonged so much more to the night than to the day. I feel more comfortable at night, more at home. Perhaps the hustle and bustle of the day becomes overwhelming to me sometimes...I know it does in fact. At night I can go most anywhere I please without facing throngs of people in every direction, and I can actually slow my mind down enough to think. There's something very beautiful and peaceful about it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm going to...

Start writing on here every day. Seriously.

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Little Reality

When I started this blog I promised myself that I wouldn't let it get negative. In other words, that I wouldn't let it become a place for me to whine and complain and be overly dramatic about everything. So I write some on here about how great and beautiful life is and all that kinda stuff. And I mean every word of it. But there are still times (like tonight) that I just get to feeling really scared about the future and what's going to happen with everything, and very alone.

I know I'm not the only person that ever feels like this, and I don't mean this to be a negative post. But it's the way I'm feeling right now, and maybe a little realism here and there isn't a bad thing.

However you want to look at it I guess the good news is that without down, there would be no up.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"I'll Believe in Anything"

There are some songs that I tend to listen to on repeat when I'm alone, just because I like them so much and I'm afraid if someone else didn't like them it would just sorta ruin the listening mood for me. Usually there's one aspect of the song that I really like, some set of lyrics or cool breakdown. Of all these, "I'll Believe in Anything" by Wolf Parade is quite possibly my favorite. I would encourage you to check out the video. I really love these lyrics:

"And I could take another hit for you
And I could take away the trips from you
And I could take away the salt from your eyes
Take away skin and salt in you
And I could give you my apologies
By handing over my neologies
And I could take away your shaky knees
And I could give you all the olive trees
And look at the trees
Look at my face
Look at a place far away from here"